NBA 2K17 Updates: Jimmy Butler’s In-Game Screenshot Released

Today, we are talking about players’ in-game screenshots since Jimmy Butler’s screenshot has been released by official. Jimmy “G” Buckets (the “G” stands for gets) is next in line to have his virtual picture taken for NBA…


NBA 2K17 Updates: Soundtrack Playlist Came Out

The summary of whole article: Complete soundtrack playlist has been released for NBA 2K17. 2K Sports is gearing up for the release of NBA2K17. As part of the process of rolling out the game, they…


3 New Game Modes Will Be Added in NBA 2K17

According to U4NBA, there are still few new features which has been revealed by 2K Sports since NBA 2K17 release date is revealed. NBA fans wonder whether there will be any new game modes add…


Top 5 NBA 2K17 Players Need A Rating Upgrade

Gamers are expecting the stat ratings of the NBA players in the NBA 2K17 game while there are lots of talent players have the potential to upgrade. The upgrade or downgrade of a player’s rating…


Dumbfounding Graphic Treatment in NBA 2K17

We all known that NBA 2K is one of the most popular video games on the market, and 2K17 is sure to be even better thanks to the borderline cheat code that will be the…
