Common Delivery Issues for Buying NBA 2K20 MT at U4GM


U4GM is one of the most trustworthy NBA 2K store. If you do not have time for grinding, you can choose to Buy Cheap NBA 2K20 MT via, cheap, safe, fast, 24/7. However, some customers also encountered some delivery problems when buying NBA 2k20 mt from u4gm. Here, we have listed common delivery problems for your reference.

1. Is this business safe or legal? has specialized in this area of online game service business over many years and has served thousands of customers. So we are convinced that our company is a legal one. The full stock of online game items we offer for all customers has been purchased legitimately from game players all over the world.

2. How is delivery accomplished?

Usually, after we get the payment from customers. We will send an instruction email to you about how to get the NBA 2k20 mt from us. Therefore, after you done the payment, please check your E-mail inbox firstly, if you haven’t received the email for a long time, please come to contact us on Live Chat.

3. What is the method of delivery?

There are two delivery methods. Person Trade and Auction House.

Usually, we prefer to use an auction house for NBA 2K20 mt delivery. The first reason, we have a time difference problem. After we received your order, we need time to prepare the NBA 2K20 mt for you. Usually, it will take 30mins to several hours. For your convenience, use Auction House for delivery, you do not have to stay online in-game all the time. The second reason, we can not hold the NBA 2K20 mt for a long time. When we have the NBA 2K20 mt, we have to contact the customer by telephone at once, whatever time.

4. How Long Does It Take To Deliver My Game Currency?

We deliver the coins as fast as humanly possible! Our average delivery times are between 10-30 minutes! The delivery time will never be later than 24 hours!

5. How to check Order status here?

Welcome to buy game coins from Our store has an automatic system to deliver coins within 30 minutes. If you want to check your order status, you can just contact the live chat to check your order status. We support 24h online service each day for guests’ convenience to get instant responses to all kinds of questions. If you have any other questions that we have not mentioned above, please send emails to us.

6. Can you deliver right now?

If we are online, YES! If we are not online and it is very critical for you to get instant delivery, please contact us first before making your payment. Ensuring that we can deliver the item when you want it.

7. You have stopped talking to me in-game during Person Trade. What is wrong?

Please rest assured that if we have stopped communicating with you, it is due to our Internet connection that was disconnected due to some reasons. When this happens, it is impossible for us to contact you or meet you until the connection was resumed. To help you, there is an indicator on our website that will let you know if we are online or not. Simply contact us again when we are back online.

8. You Are Out Of Stock When Will You Have More?

We are rarely out of stock but in an unlikely case that we are then the chances are we’re already contacting our sellers to purchase more for you to buy. After all, we’re only the middleman between the buyers and sellers.

9. What are the possible reasons for the delay?

A delay in shipping can be due to various reasons:

1). Technical errors like internet down-time
2). Your E-check payment hasn’t been cleared yet. It can take up to a 4-7 business days for the funds to be cleared. Delivery will be made after payment has cleared.
3). The insufficient or wrong information is provided. For example, you did not include your in-game character name or you gave the wrong name or wrong server. Delivery can only be made until the right information is given.

If you have any other questions, please contact us through LiveChat and we will provide the best service for you.

Categorized as NBA 2K20